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Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Pro (Book 3)
Step-by-Step Writing | Book 3
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Pro
ISBN: 9781424005260
Course: Step-by-Step Writing
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Pro (Book 3)
Step-by-Step Writing Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Pro (Book 3) Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Education Books Expect Delays of Up to 4 WeeksOrder Below |
9781424005260 (10-digit ISBN: 1424005264)
- Series Description
Standards-based writing and test-taking skills are taught through a step-by-step approach with the use of writing models, grammar activities, graphic organizers, revision/editing practice, checklists, and timed writings.
* A comprehensive approach to writing allows teachers to handle a range of ability and proficiency levels while exploring various genres including narrative, expository, technical, persuasive, response to literature, and letters and correspondence.
* Technology skills are integrated through online research activities and word processing skills.
* Assessment CD-ROM featuring ExamView®
・helps teachers create customizable, standards-aligned exams.
* A comprehensive approach to writing allows teachers to handle a range of ability and proficiency levels while exploring various genres including narrative, expository, technical, persuasive, response to literature, and letters and correspondence.
* Technology skills are integrated through online research activities and word processing skills.
* Assessment CD-ROM featuring ExamView®
・helps teachers create customizable, standards-aligned exams.
Standards-based writing and test-taking skills are taught through a step-by-step approach with the use of writing models, grammar activities, graphic organizers, revision/editing practice, checklists, and timed writings.
* A comprehensive approach to writing allows teachers to handle a range of ability and proficiency levels while exploring various genres including narrative, expository, technical, persuasive, response to literature, and letters and correspondence.
* Technology skills are integrated through online research activities and word processing skills.
* Assessment CD-ROM featuring ExamView®
・helps teachers create customizable, standards-aligned exams.
* A comprehensive approach to writing allows teachers to handle a range of ability and proficiency levels while exploring various genres including narrative, expository, technical, persuasive, response to literature, and letters and correspondence.
* Technology skills are integrated through online research activities and word processing skills.
* Assessment CD-ROM featuring ExamView®
・helps teachers create customizable, standards-aligned exams.
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