Jigsaw - Insightful Reading to Successful Writing
Student Book
ISBN: 9784863123694
Course: Jigsaw - Insightful Reading to Successful Writing
Student Book
Jigsaw - Insightful Reading to Successful Writing Student Book Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Education Books Now AvailableOrder Below |
9784863123694 (10-digit ISBN: 4863123698)
- Series Description
- Series Key Features
- 全15ユニット、各ユニットは6ページ構成で、リーディングとライティングそれぞれのテーマを1つずつ扱います。
- リーディング:学生が身近に感じられる現代社会の様々な問題
- ライティング:パラグラフの型
- 快適に読めて理解しやすいリーディング本文:巧みにコントロールされた構文と語彙、テンポのよいタッチで書かれた本文は、ライティングのモデル・パラグラフとしても出色です。
- 段階的で無理のないライティング学習:特定のパラグラフの型で使う表現をインプット→センテンスで練習→パラグラフで練習。
Insightful Reading to Successful Writing
How do learners put the pieces together to successfully write a paragraph?
Jigsaw is a new reading and writing text designed to achieve this for high beginning to intermediate learners. In each unit, learners read an article written in a specific rhetorical mode as a model for their paragraph writing. They then work through developmental, guided activities to produce their own passage.
How do learners put the pieces together to successfully write a paragraph?
Jigsaw is a new reading and writing text designed to achieve this for high beginning to intermediate learners. In each unit, learners read an article written in a specific rhetorical mode as a model for their paragraph writing. They then work through developmental, guided activities to produce their own passage.
Insightful Reading to Successful Writing
How do learners put the pieces together to successfully write a paragraph?
Jigsaw is a new reading and writing text designed to achieve this for high beginning to intermediate learners. In each unit, learners read an article written in a specific rhetorical mode as a model for their paragraph writing. They then work through developmental, guided activities to produce their own passage.
How do learners put the pieces together to successfully write a paragraph?
Jigsaw is a new reading and writing text designed to achieve this for high beginning to intermediate learners. In each unit, learners read an article written in a specific rhetorical mode as a model for their paragraph writing. They then work through developmental, guided activities to produce their own passage.
Series Key Features
- 全15ユニット、各ユニットは6ページ構成で、リーディングとライティングそれぞれのテーマを1つずつ扱います。
- リーディング:学生が身近に感じられる現代社会の様々な問題
- ライティング:パラグラフの型
- 快適に読めて理解しやすいリーディング本文:巧みにコントロールされた構文と語彙、テンポのよいタッチで書かれた本文は、ライティングのモデル・パラグラフとしても出色です。
- 段階的で無理のないライティング学習:特定のパラグラフの型で使う表現をインプット→センテンスで練習→パラグラフで練習。
Teacher's Manual available - contact the publisher for details.
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