1000 Basic English Words | Level 2
Student Book with Audio CD
ISBN: 9781613524527
Course: 1000 Basic English Words
Student Book with Audio CD (Level 2)
1000 Basic English Words Student Book with Audio CD (Level 2) Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Education Books Now AvailableOrder Below |
9781613524527 (10-digit ISBN: 1613524528)
- Series Description
- Series Key Features
- Other Resources
- Appealing photographs that illustrate each target word
- Clear, easy to understand definitions and examples for all target words
- Original fiction and nonfiction passages using target words in context
- Correct pronunciation of target words indicated with phonetic symbols
1000 Basic English Words is a four-book series, designed to introduce 1000 essential English words to EFL learners and to reinforce the students’ learning through the systematic recycling and review of each of these words.
Attention: The CD version will be out of print once stock has been depleted. Click here for the latest (audio download) version.
1000 Basic English Words is a four-book series, designed to introduce 1000 essential English words to EFL learners and to reinforce the students’ learning through the systematic recycling and review of each of these words.
Attention: The CD version will be out of print once stock has been depleted. Click here for the latest (audio download) version.
Series Key Features
- Appealing photographs that illustrate each target word
- Clear, easy to understand definitions and examples for all target words
- Original fiction and nonfiction passages using target words in context
- Correct pronunciation of target words indicated with phonetic symbols
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