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Writing Book with Audio CD (Level 2)
Basic Skills For The TOEFL iBT | Level 2
Writing Book with Audio CD
ISBN: 9781599661582
Course: Basic Skills For The TOEFL iBT
Writing Book with Audio CD (Level 2)
Basic Skills For The TOEFL iBT Writing Book with Audio CD (Level 2) Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Education Books Now Available

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9781599661582 (10-digit ISBN: 1599661586)
- Series Description
The Compass TOEFL® test preparation series develops and refines skills necessary for achieving the maximum score on the TOEFL® iBT. Available in combined editions and split editions by skill and level, the Compass series provides students multiple opportunities to learn and practice their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills as well as familiarize themselves with the question types found on the TOEFL® iBT.
The Compass TOEFL® test preparation series develops and refines skills necessary for achieving the maximum score on the TOEFL® iBT. Available in combined editions and split editions by skill and level, the Compass series provides students multiple opportunities to learn and practice their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills as well as familiarize themselves with the question types found on the TOEFL® iBT.
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