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Teacher's Pack including Assessment Booklet with DVD and Dictionaries Booklet (Cambridge English Advanced Result (CAE))
Exams Result | Cambridge English Advanced Result (CAE)
Teacher's Pack including Assessment Booklet with DVD and Dictionaries Booklet
ISBN: 9780194512428
Course: Exams Result
Teacher's Pack including Assessment Booklet with DVD and Dictionaries Booklet (Cambridge English Advanced Result (CAE))
Exams Result Teacher's Pack including Assessment Booklet with DVD and Dictionaries Booklet (Cambridge English Advanced Result (CAE)) Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Education Books Out of PrintOrder Below |
9780194512428 (10-digit ISBN: 0194512428)
- Series Description
*Contemporary design and up-to-date material together with excellent multimedia support provide the best exam preparation.
*Assessment Booklet with DVD help teachers assess and train students for the Speaking and Listening parts of the exam.
*Integrated dictionary skills work throughout the Student Book and Workbook develops and encourages learner independence.
*Assessment Booklet with DVD help teachers assess and train students for the Speaking and Listening parts of the exam.
*Integrated dictionary skills work throughout the Student Book and Workbook develops and encourages learner independence.
*Contemporary design and up-to-date material together with excellent multimedia support provide the best exam preparation.
*Assessment Booklet with DVD help teachers assess and train students for the Speaking and Listening parts of the exam.
*Integrated dictionary skills work throughout the Student Book and Workbook develops and encourages learner independence.
*Assessment Booklet with DVD help teachers assess and train students for the Speaking and Listening parts of the exam.
*Integrated dictionary skills work throughout the Student Book and Workbook develops and encourages learner independence.
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