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Teacher's Pack including Assessment Booklet with DVD and Dictionaries Booklet (Cambridge English: First Result (FCE))
Exams Result | Cambridge English: First Result (FCE)
Teacher's Pack including Assessment Booklet with DVD and Dictionaries Booklet
ISBN: 9780194511872
Course: Exams Result
Teacher's Pack including Assessment Booklet with DVD and Dictionaries Booklet (Cambridge English: First Result (FCE))
Exams Result Teacher's Pack including Assessment Booklet with DVD and Dictionaries Booklet (Cambridge English: First Result (FCE)) Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Education Books Out of PrintOrder Below |
9780194511872 (10-digit ISBN: 0194511871)
- Series Description
*Contemporary design and up-to-date material together with excellent multimedia support provide the best exam preparation.
*Assessment Booklet with DVD help teachers assess and train students for the Speaking and Listening parts of the exam.
*Integrated dictionary skills work throughout the Student Book and Workbook develops and encourages learner independence.
*Assessment Booklet with DVD help teachers assess and train students for the Speaking and Listening parts of the exam.
*Integrated dictionary skills work throughout the Student Book and Workbook develops and encourages learner independence.
*Contemporary design and up-to-date material together with excellent multimedia support provide the best exam preparation.
*Assessment Booklet with DVD help teachers assess and train students for the Speaking and Listening parts of the exam.
*Integrated dictionary skills work throughout the Student Book and Workbook develops and encourages learner independence.
*Assessment Booklet with DVD help teachers assess and train students for the Speaking and Listening parts of the exam.
*Integrated dictionary skills work throughout the Student Book and Workbook develops and encourages learner independence.
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