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Patriotism (New Directions Pearls) (Yukio Mishima)
Japanese Literature in English | Yukio Mishima
Patriotism (New Directions Pearls)
ISBN: 9780811218542
Series: Japanese Literature in English
Patriotism (New Directions Pearls) (Yukio Mishima)
Japanese Literature in English Patriotism (New Directions Pearls) (Yukio Mishima) メディア > 書籍 > ノンフィクション > 言語学習書 Now Availableご注文はこちら |
9780811218542 (旧規格ISBN: 0811218546)
One of the most powerful short stories ever written, this work discusses the dynamics of patriotism and honor, love and suicide.
Black Jack, Dragonball, Naruto, One Piece -- some of the most famous Japanese manga, published in English and sorted by authorEASY ORDER FORM
2,410 円 1,928 円 ∼ 20% OFF!