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The Flowers of Evil (European Literature)
Oxford World's Classics: European Literature | European Literature
The Flowers of Evil
ISBN: 9780199535583
Series: Oxford World's Classics: ヨーロッパ文学
The Flowers of Evil (European Literature)
Oxford World's Classics: ヨーロッパ文学 The Flowers of Evil (European Literature) メディア > 書籍 > ノンフィクション > 言語学習書 Expect Delays of Up to 4 Weeksご注文はこちら |
9780199535583 (旧規格ISBN: 0199535582)
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The Flowers of Evil, which T. S. Eliot called the greatest example of modern poetry in any language, shocked the literary world of nineteenth century France with its outspoken portrayal of lesbian love, its linking sexuality and death, its unremitting irony, and its unflinching celebration of the seamy side of urban life. The volume was seized by the police, and Baudelaire and his published were put on trial for offence to public decency. Six offending poems were banned, in a conviction that was not overturned until 1949. This bold new translation, which restores the banned poems to their original places and reveals the full richness and variety of the collection, makes available to English speakers a powerful and original version of the world. Jonathan Culler's Introduction outlines this vision, stressing that Baudelaire is more than just the poet of the modern city. Originally to be called 'The Lesbians', The Flowers of Evil contains the most extraordinary body of love poetry. The poems also pose the question of the role of evil in our lives, of whether there are not external forces working to frustrate human plans and to enlist men and women on appalling or stultifying scenarios not of their own making.
The Flowers of Evil, which T. S. Eliot called the greatest example of modern poetry in any language, shocked the literary world of nineteenth century France with its outspoken portrayal of lesbian love, its linking sexuality and death, its unremitting irony, and its unflinching celebration of the seamy side of urban life. The volume was seized by the police, and Baudelaire and his published were put on trial for offence to public decency. Six offending poems were banned, in a conviction that was not overturned until 1949. This bold new translation, which restores the banned poems to their original places and reveals the full richness and variety of the collection, makes available to English speakers a powerful and original version of the world. Jonathan Culler's Introduction outlines this vision, stressing that Baudelaire is more than just the poet of the modern city. Originally to be called 'The Lesbians', The Flowers of Evil contains the most extraordinary body of love poetry. The poems also pose the question of the role of evil in our lives, of whether there are not external forces working to frustrate human plans and to enlist men and women on appalling or stultifying scenarios not of their own making.
Oxford World’s Classics は、誰もが知る有名な物語から一般読者にはなじみの薄い隠れた名作まで、古典や文芸作品の数々を100年以上に渡り提供し続けているオックスフォード大学出版局を代表する叢書です。 現在メソポタミア神話から20世紀小説の名著まで、約770タイトルを刊行しており、各作品に相応しい専門家を校訂者に迎え、原典に解題、注釈、年代記、関係書目を付して紹介しています。必要に応じ、地図や用語集、索引、図版等の付録をつけているほか、読者に最新の研究動向を踏まえた作品理解を促すべく、定期的な新刊の追加や、既刊タイトルの改版を行っています。
The Flowers of Evil, which T. S. Eliot called the greatest example of modern poetry in any language, shocked the literary world of nineteenth century France with its outspoken portrayal of lesbian love, its linking sexuality and death, its unremitting irony, and its unflinching celebration of the seamy side of urban life. The volume was seized by the police, and Baudelaire and his published were put on trial for offence to public decency. Six offending poems were banned, in a conviction that was not overturned until 1949. This bold new translation, which restores the banned poems to their original places and reveals the full richness and variety of the collection, makes available to English speakers a powerful and original version of the world. Jonathan Culler's Introduction outlines this vision, stressing that Baudelaire is more than just the poet of the modern city. Originally to be called 'The Lesbians', The Flowers of Evil contains the most extraordinary body of love poetry. The poems also pose the question of the role of evil in our lives, of whether there are not external forces working to frustrate human plans and to enlist men and women on appalling or stultifying scenarios not of their own making.
The Flowers of Evil, which T. S. Eliot called the greatest example of modern poetry in any language, shocked the literary world of nineteenth century France with its outspoken portrayal of lesbian love, its linking sexuality and death, its unremitting irony, and its unflinching celebration of the seamy side of urban life. The volume was seized by the police, and Baudelaire and his published were put on trial for offence to public decency. Six offending poems were banned, in a conviction that was not overturned until 1949. This bold new translation, which restores the banned poems to their original places and reveals the full richness and variety of the collection, makes available to English speakers a powerful and original version of the world. Jonathan Culler's Introduction outlines this vision, stressing that Baudelaire is more than just the poet of the modern city. Originally to be called 'The Lesbians', The Flowers of Evil contains the most extraordinary body of love poetry. The poems also pose the question of the role of evil in our lives, of whether there are not external forces working to frustrate human plans and to enlist men and women on appalling or stultifying scenarios not of their own making.
Oxford World’s Classics は、誰もが知る有名な物語から一般読者にはなじみの薄い隠れた名作まで、古典や文芸作品の数々を100年以上に渡り提供し続けているオックスフォード大学出版局を代表する叢書です。 現在メソポタミア神話から20世紀小説の名著まで、約770タイトルを刊行しており、各作品に相応しい専門家を校訂者に迎え、原典に解題、注釈、年代記、関係書目を付して紹介しています。必要に応じ、地図や用語集、索引、図版等の付録をつけているほか、読者に最新の研究動向を踏まえた作品理解を促すべく、定期的な新刊の追加や、既刊タイトルの改版を行っています。
2,180 円