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Reading World: 2nd Edition
Reading World
2nd Edition • Latest Edition
Reading World: 2nd Edition
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- Series Description
- Series Key Features
- Other Resources
- Informative passages on real-world topics
- Complex reading skill activities to practice academic reading
- Cumulative vocabulary practice
- A systematic lesson process
- PPT materials for media-based learning
- Accompanying audio recordings (Downloadable)
Reading World 2nd edition is a three-book reading series for intermediate learners of English. It features interesting, informative reading passages on a variety of topics, such as animals, technology, culture, and the arts. In each book, carefully graded reading passages are supported by a variety of activities. By completing these activities, students will acquire the skills and expanded vocabulary needed for academic reading at higher levels. The ultimate goal of the Reading World series is to accelerate the development of academic reading skills and promote general language acquisition.
Sample Audio
Student Book Level 1 (3:25)(Stop ListeningStart Listening |
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Reading World 2nd edition is a three-book reading series for intermediate learners of English. It features interesting, informative reading passages on a variety of topics, such as animals, technology, culture, and the arts. In each book, carefully graded reading passages are supported by a variety of activities. By completing these activities, students will acquire the skills and expanded vocabulary needed for academic reading at higher levels. The ultimate goal of the Reading World series is to accelerate the development of academic reading skills and promote general language acquisition.
Key Features
- Informative passages on real-world topics
- Complex reading skill activities to practice academic reading
- Cumulative vocabulary practice
- A systematic lesson process
- PPT materials for media-based learning
- Accompanying audio recordings (Downloadable)