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Student’s Book with Audio CD
English for Restaurant Workers
Student’s Book with Audio CD
ISBN: 9781599661506
Course: English for Restaurant Workers: 2nd Edition
Student’s Book with Audio CD
English for Restaurant Workers: 2nd Edition Student’s Book with Audio CD メディア > 書籍 > ノンフィクション > 言語学習書ご注文はこちら |
9781599661506 (旧規格ISBN: 1599661500)
- 説明
- シリーズの説明
- シリーズの特徴
- Incorporates the English vocabulary needed in this field of work
- Shows how restaurant tasks are completed in a step-bystep picture process format
- Basic reference to aspects of restaurant work, for instance equipment, beverages, and cooking methods
- Includes common phrases, terms, and expressions which occur in restaurant work
Everyday English for Restaurant Workersは見習い中のウェイターとウェイトレス、レストランと外食産業のトレーナーのために作られた本です。
English for Restaurant Workers is designed for trainee waiters and waitresses and for trainers in the restaurant and catering industry. The material in the book teaches learners about common experiences and practices of international restaurants and has been specially developed using a novel picture-based format.
Everyday English for Restaurant Workersは見習い中のウェイターとウェイトレス、レストランと外食産業のトレーナーのために作られた本です。
English for Restaurant Workers is designed for trainee waiters and waitresses and for trainers in the restaurant and catering industry. The material in the book teaches learners about common experiences and practices of international restaurants and has been specially developed using a novel picture-based format.
- Incorporates the English vocabulary needed in this field of work
- Shows how restaurant tasks are completed in a step-bystep picture process format
- Basic reference to aspects of restaurant work, for instance equipment, beverages, and cooking methods
- Includes common phrases, terms, and expressions which occur in restaurant work
2,800 円 2,240 円 ∼ 20% OFF!